Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tough Question for you Birders out there.

Tell me the one bird that you don't care if you ever see again. I don't mean that you would want them to become extinct or anything like that. But, what bird would you not mind if you ever saw again. Think about it and let me know what bird and why. I know there will be some votes for Starlings and maybe Vultures but I can't honestly say that I wouldn't want to see them ever again. I happen to think that Turkey Vultures are beautiful! Well, maybe a little homely in the face, but the feathers are beautiful!

This question came to mind because I'm always saying that a bird (whatever kind) is one of my favorites or beautiful. Surely they can't all be beautiful! I'm just curious.


  1. My vote is for the House Sparrow. We have way too many of those around my area here.

  2. Yep, they are one intrusive bird. Kill off all the Bluebird nests. But, I still think they are pretty.... maybe not the nicest.

  3. I could do without crows. They are loud and annoying.

  4. Honestly, I could do without the European birds of the last four centuries: rock doves, house sparrows, starlings. they've all taken niches from native birds. While I enjoy some of them in my back yard, I can't help but wonder what I would see if they hadn't been shoved out of their spots by these three species (and, I must admit, by man: RIP, carrier pigeon).

  5. My vote is definitely the starlings... They take over everything bird related here. I can't use my bird feeders once they arrive in spring. They take over nesting areas. I'll tolerate them somewhat, but we do have our battles :D

  6. Yes, but just remember that it was man that created this unnatural condition for most birds. Legend has it that the Starlings were brought over by the Acclimation Society of North America in the early 1890's. It was a group dedicated to bringing to America all the birds mentioned in Shakespeare's plays. Weird! The starlings are just doing what they do! Sorta like us in Las Vegas! Going crazy!

  7. Common Grackle for sure.

    They are very annoying birds, and they are pigs when in large flocks. They eat all my bird feed and make my bird bath a mess. I'd love to see my cat kill a few of those, but he only manages to get pretty birds ><

  8. I'm one of those 'vulture' dislikers but I will say crows. They remind me of evil.

  9. Man! We got a Grackle hater! ;-)

    I haven't seen as many Grackles this year. Maybe you should move here Daniel!

  10. Yes, Crows are a rowdy crew! I still like 'em though. They make some crazy noises. Keeps me on my toes!

  11. I can't really think of a bird that I'd never want to see again. House sparrows and starlings are kinda jerks, but they're still pretty, and I'll never forget the day I thought I heard a few different birds in my yard only to look up and see a very talented starling! I love crows (so smart!) and grackles crack me up - we had some in Houston that would squack in the middle of the night! Too funny.

    I guess I'm just a big dork. :)


  12. Well Wendy welcome to the big dork club! I couldn't agree with you more! They all give us something if we just see it!

  13. Haha well, they are basically the only irritating species around my house..i'm lucky not to have issues with starlings or house sparrows..

    partly why they irk me so much is because i have enough problems with squirrels causing mayhem, that i get even more irritated when i see the black mob covering my feeders and nearly emptying them lol.

    on a nicer note, my favorite bird to watch, at least lately is red breasted nuthatch, soo fun to observe. :)

  14. I have to say every bird I have seen, is worth watching and learning more about and has it's own beauty/interest.

  15. It's a tie between mourning doves and crows for me, I think. Mourning doves are the pigeons of my neighborhood, hanging out and pooping everywhere. And the crows in my yard are just downright noisy! But like you said, I wouldn't want them extinct or anything... just wouldn't care if I never saw another one :)
